What’s New and Updated in QuickBooks 2018?
Multi-monitor Mode
Only in QuickBooks 2018 can you view multiple QuickBooks windows – on multiple monitors at a time – to make your workplace more productive. To turn this feature on: from within a menu bar select View, Switch to Multi-monitor Mode or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+M. In the window displayed, click the move window icon in the upper right-hand corner, and the window will be moved to one of your connected monitors.
Payroll Liabilities Badge/Warning
If you have an enhanced payroll subscription, the home page in the employee’s section will display a red exclamation point on the payroll liabilities icon, indicating that a scheduled payroll liability is due. This icon has been located in the employee center under the payroll liabilities tab and is now also on the home page. The alert is there to help prevent missed payments for scheduled payroll liabilities. The warning badge will show within seven days of the due date if you have set up scheduled payroll liabilities.
Search in Chart of Accounts
There is now a search box in the QuickBooks 2018 chart of accounts list. This option allows you to quickly find any account instead of scrolling through a long list of accounts. Within this search box, you can search by account number or account name using only partial words of an account name.
Accrual/Cash Basis Toggle on Reports
In a report displayed in QuickBooks, there is now an option to switch between accrual or cash basis right on the front of the report – instead of customizing the report in the tab display.
If you have any questions or need assistance with QuickBooks, please contact one of the QuickBooks ProAdvisors at Ketel Thorstenson, LLP at 605-342-5630.