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Wire Transfer Security & the Prevention of Fraud

In today’s world, immediacy has become the norm as individuals and businesses alike expect to be served quickly. With social media, instant, real time responses are common and with that, phishing, vishing, and account fraud have skyrocketed. In the financial and accounting industries, wire transfers have become a favorite target…

January 27, 2025

Subscription Based IT Arrangements for Government Entities

This article is relevant to entities following generally accepted accounting principles as issued by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB). In general, this article does not apply to for-profit or non-profit entities. Most governments have put the final polishing touches on their implementation of GASB 87 – Leases. So, it’s…

October 16, 2023

Why Should I Care How I Log In?

Do you work with sensitive or confidential information? I am sure you do and as you continue reading, you will learn more about two security models that are worth investigating and implementing in your business environment. This article briefly focusses on Multi-Factor Authentication and Single Sign-On while defining two additional…

October 9, 2023

Routine, Routine, Routine

I have a routine when it comes to backups. I backup my email, devices, and important files and then I backup our company and our client’s data. Yet, the routine rarely changes, other than by size and time. Every time I engage a backup, I watch the clock tick and…

March 31, 2023

World Backup Day

How often do you get annoying messages popping up on your phone saying… “Your iPhone has not been backed up for 32 weeks.”  You click OK, ignore it, and move on. Admit it—you saw the message for multiple weeks, yet you ignored it.  Unfortunately, you can’t ignore it this time…

March 31, 2022

Protective Tips on National Technology Day

Technology moves at break-neck speed.  Every time I turn around there is something new for me to learn or do.  Couple those changes with nefarious attempts to collect and use my personally identifiable information and I’ve entered the cyberthreat zone.  What can you and I do to protect our name…

January 5, 2022

Ransomware Attacks on the Rise

Have you ever wondered what would happen if criminals could steal all of your organization’s data?  What would you do if you came to work and all of your information was encrypted and the only way to access it again would require paying a ransom of thousands of dollars?  Unfortunately,…

January 7, 2021

Safeguarding your Nonprofit’s Network

As malicious attacks continue to grow, it is imperative that nonprofit organizations of all sizes take the necessary steps to bolster their cybersecurity practices.  Nonprofit networks host a treasure trove of sensitive and valuable information making them an attractive target for hackers.  Limited budgets and small IT staffs make it…

March 4, 2020