QuickBook Quirks-Payroll Liability Payments

Do you know that QuickBooks will automatically calculate the payroll taxes paid for the quarterly payroll reports? It will, if you create liability payments by following these easy steps:
- Click on Employees on the top toolbar.
- Hover over Payroll Taxes & Liabilities and click on Create Custom Liability Payments in the sub-menu that pops-up when you hover.
- Select your date range. We suggest that you leave the beginning of the date range at January 1st of the year to ensure that you didn’t forget to record any payments in QuickBooks. The ending date determines which quarterly 941 Form the payment will show up on. If you are a monthly reporter, then you should select the last day of the month you are making the payment for. If you are a semi-weekly reporter, then you should select the date of the last payroll.
- On the Pay Liabilities screen, you can un-check the To Be Printed box in the upper left corner if the payment is made electronically.
- Click on the boxes to the left of the payroll items you are including in the payment.
- You can change the amount of the payment for each item in the Amt to Pay column on the right if you need to do so. This could be needed if you forgot to record previous payments.
- If your total matches the payment amount, click on the Create button in the upper right of the box.
- A check has now been created in QuickBooks for the payment.
For more information or help, please contact the QuickBooks ProAdvisors at Ketel Thorstenson at 605.348.5630.