KTLLP Presidential Trivia

July 4th is right around the corner! To get you in the mood, we’ve put together a couple trivia questions that will appear in the Black Hills Pioneer on Monday, June 29th.
Q. How many Presidents have visited or spoken at Mt. Rushmore? Bonus: Which ones?
A. 5 Presidents have visited Mt. Rushmore.
August 2002: George W. Bush
President George W. Bush spoke at Mount Rushmore National Memorial on Aug. 15, 2002.
July 1991: George Bush
President George Bush spoke during the 50th anniversary celebration of the completion of Mount Rushmore on July 3, 1991.
June 1953: Eisenhower
President Dwight Eisenhower visited the Black Hills on this day 65 years ago. Eisenhower was the first president to visit South Dakota via airplane. He stayed at the Hotel Alex Johnson, held a parade in downtown Rapid City, visited Mount Rushmore National Memorial and fished in Custer State.
August 1936: FDR
President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited South Dakota from Aug. 28-30, 1936, starting in Aberdeen then spending two days in Rapid City. He visited Mount Rushmore and its chief sculptor, Gutzon Borglum.
August 1927: Coolidge
President Calvin Coolidge speaks during the ceremonial first drilling at Mount Rushmore on Aug. 10, 1927.
Q. Who is older, Mt. Rushmore or Ketel Thorstenson, LLP?
A. In 1936, Harold Heims started the accounting firm which would later go by the current name, Ketel Thorstenson, LLP. Mt Rushmore opened Oct 31, 1941.
We wish you all a happy and safe 4th of July. Now, who’s ready for some fireworks and hot dogs!