Journal of Accountancy features KT’s Jean Smith

The Journal of Accountancy, a respected industry publication, ran a story last week titled “You Made Partner: Now What?” It featured advice from accountants at firms in New York, Austin, Salt Lake City and Rapid City — Ketel Thorstenson’s Jean Smith.
Smith, an audit partner in the Rapid City-based tax, audit, accounting and consulting firm, told the magazine that she became partner at a time when KT had just acquired another practice, so she turned her attention to “melding the two cultures.”
Those kinds of skills involve more than number crunching or dealing with software, she said. As a partner, Smith quickly discovered, she needs to be flexible in a changing industry and build strong relationships with clients and staff.
KT has been growing and expanding its business in South Dakota and North Dakota. In recent years, the firm expanded its depth and breadth in business valuation, bookkeeping, payroll services, estate planning, software training and accounting. KT also acquired an accounting practice in Williston, N.D.
“The way we operate the firm is changing, technology is changing, and we have different generations of employees who need different things in their careers,” she said. “I have a lot to offer in terms of helping the firm grow as the environment changes.”
Click HERE to see the entire Journal of Accountancy article.