CPA Service
Our Expertise

Rural Electric Co-Ops

At a glance

While rural electric providers are focused on protecting the interests of their retail electric service consumers, we are focused on their accounting.

Our specialized accounting team supports the collective mission of not-for-profit rural electric cooperatives to provide safe, dependable, and affordable electric service.

We have developed a thorough background in the complexities of the rural electric cooperative industry and the ongoing challenges faced by the Rural Utilities Services regulatory environment. Our team deals with rising energy costs, establishing adequate member rates, developing energy load management systems, and minimizing operational costs.

We also have experience with Federal Compliance Audits, which are required for rural electric cooperatives when $750,000 of Federal funds are expended.

How We Can Help

Need Our Services?

Our group of experts collaborate with not-for-profit rural electric cooperatives while also protecting the interests of their retail electric service consumers.