
KT Insights

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Do your homework before rockin’ the Bakken

Interesting story today in the Rapid City Journal about business opportunities in the oil-rich Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana. Ketel Thorstenson LLP has an office in Williston, and we work with a number of new…

October 2, 2014
| Ketel Thorstenson, LLP

Be SMART about setting goals

Whether it is a New Year’s resolution, an annual employee evaluation or a brainstorming session on how to improve business, goals are an integral part of our lives. Often we set goals that seem attainable, but then we forget…

September 17, 2014
| Ketel Thorstenson, LLP

Efficient and Effective Non-Profit Board Meetings

Being a nonprofit board member is an important position, but there are times in which these meetings become a burden, especially when they are not run efficiently. Any board can take steps to more effectively and efficiently govern their…

September 8, 2014
| Ketel Thorstenson, LLP

Uniform Grant Guidance – Part II

The effective date for the new Uniform Grant Guidance (the Guidance) is getting closer. As described in the previous newsletter, the new Guidance is effective December 26, 2014. There is no getting around reading the new requirements in order…

September 8, 2014
| Traci Hanson

It takes a team to build solid estate plans

With land values rising in many parts of western South Dakota, eastern Wyoming and western North Dakota, longtime ranchers and farmers can find themselves in an all-too-familiar situation when they decide to retire. They are asset rich, but when…

July 30, 2014
| Ketel Thorstenson, LLP

Follow the rules when hiring guest workers

If you travel around the Black Hills during the summer, you’re likely to hear a lot of different languages spoken in the hallways, kitchens and dining rooms at the area’s hotels, restaurants and attractions. Workers come to the Black Hills…

July 1, 2014
| Ketel Thorstenson, LLP