Growing up with my father being a Financial Advisor, I knew that I wanted a career in the business realm like him. When I started college at the University of South Dakota’s Beacom School of Business in 2020, similar to many other students, I wasn’t exactly sure which route I wanted to take.

Then I took my first accounting class and realized that was what interested me most, so that is the route I chose. I continued my degree at Black Hills State University’s School of Business where I graduated in May 2024 with my bachelor’s degree in accounting with a focus in Professional Accountancy.

Accounting Internships

Back in the fall of 2022, I began to look for accounting internships. I looked at a few places in Rapid City and ultimately landed at KT. I met with one of the partners locally, where they led me to an internship in the fall of 2022 with the Audit department.

At the same time in the fall of 2022, I participated in a program called IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) through my tax class. VITA allowed me to gain firsthand experience with real-world tax returns for citizens qualifying for assistance. The experience allowed me to see that I thoroughly enjoyed working in tax.

After finishing my Audit internship and discovering my new sudden love for tax, I lined up a tax internship with KT in the spring of 2023, and then again in 2024. And as of November 2024, I have a full-time position with KT as an Associate in the Tax department.

Everyone always asks me, “Why go with KT? Why not explore other options?”

For me it came down to the atmosphere. Everyone at KT is incredibly welcoming and will help with any questions I have. They show appreciation for their employees, and are dedicated to making sure everyone feels included, valued, and an important part of our firm’s mission.